What inspires me? Why do I do this work?

And how can I help you?

Who am I?

I am a mother of two wonderful young adults. I hold a degree in clinical psychology, and 4 Master’s degrees in psychotherapy, and I focus on relationships and communication. Over the past 25 years, I have helped hundreds of women, families, couples, and adolescents radically heal, transform, and navigate their relationships with their loved ones, with ease and joy. My innovative techniques of communication have helped my clients move from pain, disempowerment, and loneliness to feeling connected, empowered, and loved. Having gone through family struggles myself and healed my relationships, I deeply understand what it takes to shift communication and behavior patterns so that couples can save their marriages, parents can reconnect with their adolescents and children, and people, in general, can create their relationships in a respectful, meaningful, and loving way.

Steps I took to heal and transform my family relationships 

It was over a conversation with a friend that I heard the term nonviolent communication for the first time. My friend mentioned that I needed to learn how to communicate in a way in which my son would not feel threatened, so he would not become defensive. 

"What do you mean", I asked. "Of course, my son is not threatened by what I say"! "I just ask him to be responsible, to follow the house rules... that's what every parent does!" But my friend was right, my son was acting defensive because he was feeling threatened by the way I was communicating with him.

The initial stages of learning a new way of communication were challenging and confusing, but I persisted. I focused on learning these new skills and I applied them to the relationship with him. I also shared them with my clients, young and old. It was amazing to see how my youngest clients, 13-year-old 7th graders from public schools in very poor areas of Cancun, started shifting their relationships with their families very quickly. In just a couple of sessions, they were changing their family lives for good! The journey was tougher for me though, but was worth it because my relationship with my son transformed!

I'm thrilled to share that today my son and I enjoy a friendly, respectful, committed, and deeply connected relationship. I feel happy and fulfilled and have a constant smile on my face. At last, we both feel seen, understood, valued, and secure in our relationship. Defensiveness has long gone!

I am passionate about sharing these skills with you because I know how it is to feel lost, disconnected, and on the verge of losing the relationships you care about the most. I also know for sure that relationships can be healed and transformed. 

For years, I studied the patterns, similarities, and differences between young people and adults when they applied the new relational and communicational skills to their family relationships. From the results I observed and from my own experience, I created a relational system that I have been teaching to my clients and applying in my own relationships ever since. I now want to share it with you. 

What Did I Discover?

The 13-year-olds had outstanding results in transforming their family relationships at home when they applied the new communication skills I was taught them. 

My Relational System Was Born

From studying these results and my own, I created a system to develop compassionate relationships, I have been teaching this system to my clients and applying it in my own relationships for over 10 years.

Amazing Results!

I'm thrilled to share that today, my son 27-year-old son and I enjoy a friendly, respectful, committed, and deeply connected relationship. I feel happy and fulfilled in my relationship with him, and have a constant smile on my face. At last, we both feel seen, understood, valued, and secure in our relationship. Defensiveness has long gone!

In Summary, we can easily:

Eradicate Defensiveness
Stop Violent Communication
Speak From The Heart
Reconnect with our loved ones
Treat each other with compassion, love and respect
Radically heal and transform our relationships with self and others
Achieving these without suffering or staying in long therapeutic processes.

How I Can Help You?

My Compassionate Relationship strategies are designed to help you identify and translate your limiting beliefs and core needs into behaviors and communication that will radically heal and transform your relationships into compassionate, loving, and respectful ones, eradicating defensiveness, so you can feel loved, seen, heard, valued, emotionally safe, and enjoy all that relationships and life have to offer you at its fullest. 

My goal is to help you cultivate deeply connected relationships with your loved ones, experience closeness, and finally bask in the feeling of being seen, heard, valued, and emotionally secure in your relationships—with ease and joy, leading to happiness and fulfillment.

My Motivation

I am passionate about adding my grain of salt so we can have a better world, a world where people can feel seen, heard, respected, loved, and emotionally safe for who they are.
My motivation started with my amazing children:

And continues with the women, adolescents, children, parents, couples, and groups I have helped achieve
these goals over the years...

Are you ready?
Let's Get You Wired To Connect Compassionately With Your Loved Ones!

 We were struggling with our 6-year-old son's behavior. It didn't matter what we would do or say, nothing seemed to work. He was acting out at school and behaved in a way that was hurting himself emotionally. Luckily, I found Fernanda who's helping us communicate with our son, and also understand him. She has given us tools to work with and we can already after three sessions see changes in how we communicate and behave as a family. Before working with Fernanda I was feeling stressed, not knowing what to do but now I feel relieved and hopeful. 

- Jessica. Santa Cruz, CA.



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